Once when I was a little girl I embarrassed my older sister (it's kind of your job when you are the younger sister, and I did a pretty great job without even trying most of the time) by crying at the museum. We were in an extinct animals exhibit, and I remember looking at these brightly coloured taxidermied (?) parrots and crying because none of them were ever going to be alive anymore no matter what anyone did. And yesterday when I was doing this painting, I was reading about Huia in New Zealand and how they all died out so fast because people just didn't realise what they were doing... or didn't care? And I felt that same feeling of incredible sadness and panic...
Anyway that's kind of what I was thinking about as I painted this. There's little bit of robin, fantail, kokako... and girl. It's not done yet but I feel way happier about it after yesterday so I am showing you the whole thing now.
here's happy story too
This morning I was wandering around Uni waiting for Matt to finish his class and as I walked under a tree something caught my eye - blossom on a tree - and then there was a tiny silvereye right by it too. And then I listened, and I looked up, and the tree was covered in emerging pink and tiny little birds celebrating and feeding. It was so amazing and I wished I could take a picture but I couldn't so I just stood and looked up and smiled and said ThankYou.