I've started this thing where I am going to try and make a little beast every morning when I get to school. A way to start textileing each day, plus I can learn new techniques, practice them on a creature. Today's effort is fairly unimpressive... but I think that's just a reflection of me this morning! Anyway it could just be a good insurance policy, if I fail to achieve anything else this year, at least I will have a lot of slightly defective companions... and maybe being incomplete is the point.
She has no friends here.
I still don't know which story to tell, but in the meantime, you can make one up.
We went to a talk by the people who started Chrysalis Seed, a Christian art intiative... it was pretty awesome, they are really great, and offer lots of connections and encouragement...
It must feel satisfying to be able to sit down and express your ideas in that way, using textile. Of course there will be mornings when it doesn't go so well - but when you look back, that will maybe reveal to you something about yourself (and others ?) as well.
And you actually know how to make a link to a song !! Well done. I really liked the lyrics of the first verse of 'Before the throne of God'. Thanks for that link.
Blessings on your year. The 'Chrysalis Seed' website looks as if it could be really helpful to you as a resource and for displaying your own work as well.