I've been making these little embroidery "drawings" in textiles. This one isn't very good but I happened to have photographed it. I took the image from a photo of me being chased by some very exuberant ducks in Hanmer... This work that have been doing, little pictures, is for my textiles Project (with a capital "P"). I didn't really have an outcome in mind, I just knew that my subject was love and relationships, memories and recollections too. Which is kind of hard in fact, but I have been really enjoying the medium of stitch, both machine and by hand. but I had to talk to one of my lecturers yesterday, which I find hard, because they kind of look at you expectantly and you just have to talk, which makes me a little bit nervous so I don't think I explain myself very well. And after we did the part where I talk, she said that she was concerned about my ability to realize and resolve a final work. Which threw me a bit, cos I'M not concerned... And it was kind of upsetting, mainly because I am confused about why she said that. I think it was probably my fault because I must not have explained myself very well, but I had had communication with another supervisor who said not to worry about the end result at all... Oh the joys of polytech. Anyway I got kind of bummed out, but I got a hot chocolate and I went to the Gardens and saw some ducklings which put my world the right way around again.
I just love this time of year, with the ducklings and the blossom trees and everything pretty.
This has been a big fat ramble, I'm sorry to anyone who began reading this thinking I was going to say something insightful.
I'll try now...
I thought about why I was upset at what my lecturer said, cos it was one of those times when I really wanted to control my emotions but I just couldn't... which was frustrating. I think I got upset because it felt like she was saying she didn't think I would succeed. I'm sure her words weren't meant that way, but I was more confused than anything. I totally didn't want to lose my composure. But I was thinking that God me the way I am for a purpose, and he made every part of me, and so the way I show my emotions is there and it's always been that way, and sometimes it's embarrassing but it can also be kind of beautiful, so I didn't feel so bad.
And I have faith that I will succeed with my textiles project. Even though it's the holidays.