I'm ready...?

I was just listening to this Mandy Moore song: Extraordinary. I really like it, and I thought it summed me up pretty well... The refrain goes "and now I'm ready, and now I'm ready, and now I'm ready to be extraordinary..."
I think that's how I go about my days a lot of the time, except without quite getting to the part where I'm actually ready. I'll do this, and then I'll be ready. I'll finish this task, and then I'll be ready to move on. I'll be ready soon, to do something extraordinary. I think I went about growing up expecting to one day just be grown up. But we don't get to say; now I'm ready. Life happens to you and you have to keep up. I thought that grown-ups somehow didn't feel frustrated, knew how to handle things, grew out of childish ideas and habits, all got along. I catch myself thinking that one day, I'll achieve something. But what will be different about me one day? Won't I be essentially the same person I am now, as I was when I was fifteen? There really is no time like the present. John Ortberg says that procrastination is one of the most dangerous things that gets in the way of our relationship with God. It's true in so many ways. I want to shake my apathy.

I want to mean it when I say "Now I'm ready to be extraordinary".

This is a big jumble of ideas but maybe I'll come back later and fix it up.


Alden Smith said…
The fact is that you are achieving something right now (look at your art!). And I beat my old socks that you are doing the same within your life as a whole. Every now and then we pause in a special moment and see how far we have come, change and achievement is a quiet panther on soft paws creeping up on us all the time.

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